Overview of Fury Warrior
Fury Warriors maintain a quick playstyle that prioritizes continuous damage over huge bursts of damage. Although many other skills will be employed along the way, the rotation's straightforward goal of generating enough rage to cast Rampage and maintain
Enrage is achieved with just one Rage consuming ability.
Because every other ability in the Fury Warrior spec is a resource generator with a short or no cooldown and no idle time, it is a solid choice for gamers searching for a spec that is continuously active. This makes it extremely captivating and demonstrates that a specialization need not be difficult in order to be enjoyable.
Fury Warrior Talent Builds
For a more raid oriented talent build, you can use the following Unbridled Fury talent loadout.
You can import the Unbridled Fury talent build with the following loadout code: BgEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAAAAAAAAAAChIoEARQISQUgEiARSIJpFRSkgQSSSkSASSkEAAAAEE
Dive into the world of talent choices for Fury Warriors as we uncover the intricacies of different talent builds. Discover the unique strengths and playstyles that each build offers, allowing you to tailor your character to your preferences.
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Engage with the array of Fury Warrior talent builds and wave farewell to the grind. Whether you're striving to optimize your combat prowess or aiming to conquer challenging raids and dungeons, our comprehensive insights, strategies, and tips await your exploration. Elevate your journey with Simple Carry's WoW Raid Carry and M+ Dungeon Carry services, ensuring a streamlined path to both gearing and dungeon success. Trust in Simple Carry and embark on a journey of accomplishment and mastery.
For a more Mythic+ oriented talent build, you can use the following Anger Management talent loadout.
You can import the Anger Management talent build with the following loadout code: BgEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAAAAAAAAAACBCKJARQICEFIhIQkESSaJRSkgQkkEpEgkIJBAAABEE
Fury Warrior Stat Priority
Despite the fact that all of the stats for the Fury Warrior tend to be pretty similar, the emphasis on weapon damage and strength (by item level) comes first, followed by mastery and critical strike. Owing to the strength and regularity of Enrage, Haste will see significant lots of variance, rising initially and falling after a moderate (22–29%) point.
- Strength > Haste > Mastery > Crit > Versatility
Strength: Increases all damage done by native class spells, abilities, and auto attacks. Previously one of the weakest stats, but now much more impactful, making raw item level much more important again.
Haste: Compresses the rotation by reducing both the GCD and the cooldown of the rotational abilities Bloodthirst, Raging Blow, and Execute. Often a priority for very early gearing in Dragonflight, it tends to fall in value fairly quickly.
Critical Strike: Increases damage done by abilities, auto attacks, and trinkets. While some talents, legendaries, and covenant abilities interact with critical strikes, the stat's value is rather low and better avoided.
Mastery: Increases the damage bonus of Enrage. It does not affect non-class damage, such as trinkets, potions, and enchantments.
Versatility: Increases damage done and reduces damage taken by half the amount. Unlike Mastery, however, it affects all damage done including trinkets, potions, and enchantments.
The above suggestion is only generic and exact values will change based on your gear available. In order to best know your best stats, we recommend you to sim your own character using many tools available in the community like SimulationCraft. Raidbots provides you with an online platform for you to sim your characters and find your Fury Warrior stat priority for free! Learn more about that in the in-depth guide to Raidbots.
Fury Warriors Best Consumables
Below is a list of the recommended enchants to use on your Fury Warrior gear in Dragonflight.
Fury Warrior Phials in Dragonflight
The best phial for Fury Warriors is Phial of Tepid Versatility in all content. While Phial of Static Empowerment and Iced Phial of Corrupting Rage are theoretically stronger, they come with a downside, where the Phial of Tepid Versatility has full uptime as well as a defensive benefit. Likewise, Phial of Glacial Fury is arguably powerful in multitarget content, but new targets are rarely introduced quickly enough to maintain stacks, making it a gimmicky option at best.
Fury Warrior Combat Potions in Dragonflight
There are a couple different potions that have different useful scenarios for Fury Warriors:
All content: Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power
Fury Warrior Weapon Buff in Dragonflight
Fury Warriors should apply Buzzing Rune or Howling Rune to their weapons, though sharpening stones are a very close second and can be used if they are significantly cheaper.
Fury Warrior Food Buff
Best Fury Warrior Gems in Dragonflight
Skillful Illimited Diamond and
Keen Ysemerald,
Keen Neltharite, or any other appropriate dual stat gems.
Pros and Cons
Strengths | Weaknesses |
Fury Warrior Rotation in Dragonflight
The focus of Fury Warriors is on maintaining Enrage uptime while inflicting damage with auto-attacks and a range of special abilities. Players will prioritize either weaving abilities between Bloodthirst's cooldown or leveraging resets and procs to repeatedly cast Raging Blow with two main rotations based on chosen talents.
Fury Warrior Opening Rotation
The only difference between the Fury opener and its single target priority is that Charge should always be used to start a fight. he first priority is to become enraged, which can be aided by casting
Recklessness before using Charge to double its rage generation. However, this won't always allow Rampage to be cast right away on the pull, so you should be ready to utilize Onslaught with Tenderize or Bloodthirst with Fresh Meat if necessary. Due to the significant quantity of rage that
Reckless Abandon produces, precasting Charge is also not necessary when using this ability. The opening rotation does not vary from the standard priority in any other way besides using Recklessness on the pull.
This means that a typically opening with the suggested build would resemble:
Avatar -> Recklessness -> Charge ->Ravager-> Rampage / Onslaught / Bloodthirst -> Spear of Bastion -> Rampage -> begin your single target rotation
Fury Warrior Rotation Priority
Avatar immediately before Recklessness with Berserker's Torment talented
Recklessness on cooldown
Ravager aligned with Recklessness
Spear of Bastion while Enraged
Rampage to spend Rage and maintain Enrage
Execute whenever available
Onslaught while Enraged or with Tenderize talented
Raging Blow as the main rotational attack
Bloodthirst as a filler while out of RB charges
Whirlwind as a filler when nothing else is available
Execute Phase
Since Execute has a cooldown, it merely adds to the rotation rather than changing it completely or replacing other buttons the way it does for Arms. Whether due to Sudden Death procs, or the target being below 20% (35% with
Massacre), it is generally used whenever available in order to take advantage of its high damage and rage generation.
Multitarget Cleave
Improved Whirlwind seamlessly integrates into the rotation and makes it possible for Fury to provide cleave damage with little setup or single target damage loss on up to 4 extra targets in addition to its typical single target rotation. With the additional steps of making sure the Whirlwind bonus is constantly active and conserving cooldowns to align burst with the most targets, the multitarget rotation becomes almost identical to the single target one.
The use of Titan's Torment has fallen out of current meta builds, which means manually applying Enrage before using burst cooldowns is now a much greater priority.
For general multi-target cleave
Always ensure the
Improved Whirlwind buff is active, and prioritize maintaining Enrage through the use of
Fresh Meat,
Tenderize, or Rampage.
Burst cooldowns such as
Spear of Bastion, and
Odyn's Fury should be synced with
Recklessness and
Avatar, saved for groups of mobs whenever possible.
Otherwise, the multitarget rotation is simply a continuation of the single target one; while reapplying the Whirlwind buff whenever it falls.
Maximizing Burst AoE
Unlike the previous priority lists, this order should be followed step-by-step in order to maximize burst potential.
Rampage to refresh Enrage and dump rage as necessary
Continue the single target rotation while maintaining
Improved Whirlwind.
Fresh Meat allows Bloodthirst to guarantee Enrage the first time it is used against a target, making it a reliable way of maintaining the buff, though during cooldowns Rampage will be usable extremely frequently as well. The Whirlwind buff should be kept active in order to cleave all single target abilities: Rampage, Onslaught, Execute, Raging Blow, and Bloodthirst.