WoW Dragonflight Protection Paladin Tank Guide

WoW Dragonflight Protection Paladin Tank Guide

Dragonflight 10.1: A Comprehensive Guide to Mastering the Protection Paladin Tank

Embark on an extraordinary journey as Simple Carry delve into the realm of World of Warcraft and unveil the secrets of the mighty Protection Paladin in the illustrious Dragonflight 10.1. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a budding adventurer, this comprehensive guide is tailored to enhance your tanking prowess and empower you to conquer the most treacherous challenges, be it raid encounters or Mythic+ dungeons.

From the very foundations of tanking to the intricacies of advanced techniques, we leave no stone unturned as we equip you with the knowledge and strategies necessary to become an indomitable force on the front lines of battle. Starting with the basics, we lay the groundwork by familiarizing you with the core abilities, talents, and rotations that form the backbone of a formidable Protection Paladin.

But we don't stop there; our guide extends beyond the fundamentals. We delve into the nuanced intricacies of damage mitigation, threat generation, and cooldown management, providing you with invaluable insights to refine your playstyle and optimize your survivability. Unleash the true potential of your Protection Paladin as we explore synergy between abilities, gear choices, and the art of effective positioning, allowing you to effortlessly navigate the most daunting encounters.

But the journey doesn't end with raiding. In the realm of Mythic+ dungeons, where every second counts and the challenges are relentless, we equip you with the tools to thrive. Discover invaluable strategies, including efficient route planning, crowd control utilization, and coordination with your group, ensuring that you can adapt and triumph over the ever-changing dungeon landscapes.

Our guide goes beyond the theoretical, providing practical advice born from the experience of battle-hardened Protection Paladins. We share the wisdom of our seasoned players, arming you with valuable tips, tricks, and insights garnered from countless hours of gameplay. Uncover hidden synergies, unorthodox tactics, and innovative approaches that may prove the difference between success and failure.

Join us on this epic adventure as we navigate the intricate tapestry of the Protection Paladin in Dragonflight 10.1. With our comprehensive guide as your compass, you will ascend to new heights of tanking excellence, forging a legacy that will be whispered in awe by allies and foes alike. Are you ready to embrace the challenge and emerge as the indomitable guardian of your group? The path to greatness awaits, and we are here to light the way.

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Protection Paladin: Unleash the Power of Divine Defense

Welcome to the illustrious realm of the Protection Paladin, where unwavering resilience and righteous might converge to create an indomitable tank. As a stalwart guardian, you are bestowed with the sacred duty of safeguarding your allies and upholding justice on the battlefield. With a sturdy shield in hand and a repertoire of formidable skills at your disposal, you embody the epitome of reliability and dependability.

One of the hallmarks of the Protection Paladin is the seamless mitigation of damage. Unlike other tank classes, you possess a unique set of abilities and talents that allow you to effectively absorb, block, and mitigate incoming assaults. Your trusted shield becomes a stalwart bastion, intercepting blows and shielding you from harm. This innate ability to withstand punishment makes you a beacon of stability amidst the chaos of battle.

But it doesn't stop there. The arsenal of a Protection Paladin extends beyond defensive measures. You possess a wide array of tools and tricks that can be deployed strategically to disrupt your foes and empower your allies. Through the power of the Light, you can unleash devastating Holy damage upon your adversaries, smiting them with righteous fury. Additionally, your auras and blessings bestow numerous boons upon your allies, enhancing their prowess and resilience.

Furthermore, your role as a Protection Paladin transcends the confines of conventional tanking. You are not only a guardian of physical harm but also a beacon of hope and healing. Through your mastery of the Light, you have the ability to mend wounds and restore vitality to your comrades when the situation demands it. This versatile support enables you to adapt to a multitude of scenarios, ensuring the survival and success of your group.

In the hands of a skilled Protection Paladin, every encounter becomes a symphony of calculated maneuvers and well-timed interventions. You possess an unparalleled repertoire of tricks that can turn the tide of battle in your favor. From Lay on Hands, an emergency healing spell that can resurrect fallen allies, to Hand of Protection, a powerful defensive ability that can provide temporary invulnerability, your utility knows no bounds.

As you traverse the realms of World of Warcraft, both in formidable raids and treacherous Mythic+ dungeons, your presence as a Protection Paladin instills confidence in your allies. They find solace in the unwavering shield you provide and draw strength from your unyielding resolve. The battlefield becomes your canvas, and with every swing of your weapon and every proclamation of justice, you leave an indelible mark upon the annals of history.

So, aspiring guardian of righteousness, prepare yourself for the arduous trials that lie ahead. Embrace the boundless potential of the Protection Paladin and stand firm against the forces that threaten the realm. With your unwavering determination and the Light as your guide, you will emerge as a paragon of virtue and a bastion of unyielding defense. The path to glory awaits, noble protector. Embrace your destiny and let the echoes of your valor resound through the ages.

Unveiling the Strengths and Weaknesses of the Protection Paladin: A Comprehensive Analysis

In the realm of World of Warcraft, the Protection Paladin stands tall as a paragon of unwavering defense. As with any class, the Protection Paladin possesses a unique set of strengths and weaknesses that shape their playstyle and influence their performance on the battlefield. Join us as we delve deep into the essence of the Protection Paladin, unraveling their formidable strengths and acknowledging the challenges posed by their inherent weaknesses.


  1. Strong Active Mitigation and Cooldown Kit: The hallmark of a proficient Protection Paladin lies in their ability to swiftly and effectively mitigate incoming damage. With a formidable array of active abilities at their disposal, including Shield of the Righteous, Ardent Defender, and Guardian of Ancient Kings, the Protection Paladin can proactively reduce damage, ensuring their survival even against the most relentless onslaughts.

  2. Unique Group Utility and Damage Reductions: The Protection Paladin's utility extends far beyond their own defense. Through blessings and auras, they bolster the resilience of their entire group. Blessings like Blessing of Sacrifice and Blessing of Protection enable the Protection Paladin to safeguard their allies, absorbing damage or granting temporary invulnerability. Additionally, auras such as Devotion Aura and Aura of Mercy provide substantial damage reductions and healing over time, fortifying the party against the trials that lie ahead.

  3. Good Burst Capabilities and Threat Generation: When the need arises, the Protection Paladin can unleash devastating bursts of damage, solidifying their threat generation and ensuring that enemies remain fixated on them. With a well-timed rotation of cooldowns, such as Avenging Wrath and Hammer of the Righteous, the Protection Paladin can assert their dominance on the battlefield, maintaining control over encounters and protecting their allies from harm.

  4. Great Emergency Cooldowns and Healing: In dire circumstances, the Protection Paladin possesses a plethora of emergency cooldowns to turn the tides of battle. Abilities like Lay on Hands and Divine Shield provide a lifeline when all seems lost, granting instant healing or temporary invincibility, allowing the Protection Paladin to weather the storm and emerge victorious. Additionally, the Protection Paladin's mastery of healing spells like Word of Glory and Lay on Hands ensures that they can restore their own vitality or extend a healing touch to their allies, promoting overall group survivability.


  1. Downtime on Shield of the Righteous: While the Protection Paladin boasts formidable active mitigation, there is a vulnerability during the downtime of Shield of the Righteous. When this essential ability is unavailable, the Paladin becomes more susceptible to sustained high damage, leaving them exposed and reliant on other defensive measures to endure the onslaught.

  2. Moving out of Consecration: The Protection Paladin derives significant damage reduction benefits from Consecration, an ability that creates a sacred ground. However, stepping out of this consecrated area diminishes their damage reduction capabilities, leaving them more susceptible to incoming attacks. Tactical positioning becomes crucial to maximize the effectiveness of Consecration and maintain optimal defense.

  3. Limited Mobility outside of Divine Steed: While the Protection Paladin can swiftly traverse the battlefield with the aid of Divine Steed, their overall mobility remains somewhat restricted. Maneuvering quickly to reposition or respond to threats may prove challenging, requiring careful planning and resource management to overcome this limitation.

Awareness of these strengths and weaknesses empowers the aspiring Protection Paladin to navigate the trials and tribulations that await them. By capitalizing on their strengths and devising strategies to mitigate their weaknesses, the Protection Paladin can ascend to new heights of tanking excellence, cementing their legacy as an unyielding guardian and an invaluable asset to any group.

So, embrace the mantle of the Protection Paladin, brave adventurer, and embark on a journey where resilience meets righteousness. Forge your path with unwavering resolve, harnessing the Light to shield your allies and repel the forces of darkness. With wisdom and skill, you shall prevail, leaving an indelible mark on the annals of World of Warcraft.

Gain a deep understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the Protection Paladin in World of Warcraft through a thorough analysis. For those looking to conquer challenging raids and secure remarkable rewards, consider exploring the benefits of our specialized WoW Raid Boost services. These boosts are meticulously crafted to guide you through raid encounters, ensuring your success and triumph. Seamlessly incorporate your newfound insights into Protection Paladin gameplay with our exceptional boosting services, propelling your journey and accomplishments to unparalleled heights. Your path to mastering the Protection Paladin class begins here, supported by expert knowledge and invaluable assistance.

Changes to Protection Paladin in Patch 10.1

  1. Seal of the Crusader Icon Seal of the Crusader now deals 10% additional damage (up from 5%)
  2. Rebuke Icon Rebuke interrupt duration has been reduced to 3 seconds.
  3. Hand of the Protector Icon Hand of the Protector healing bonus is now capped to provide up to 100% additional healing based on the targets missing health.
  4. The tooltip for Punishment Icon Punishment has been clarified to include interrupts from Avenger's Shield Icon Avenger's Shield.
  5. Word of Glory Icon Word of Glory and Light of the Titans Icon Light of the Titans have been buffed by 25% to balance the spells with the 25% Health increase to players this patch.
  6. The absorb from Bulwark of Order Icon Bulwark of Order has been increased to 30/60% (up from 25/50%).
  7. The absorb from Moment of Glory Icon Moment of Glory has been increased to 25% (up from 20%).

Mastering the Fundamentals: Unleashing the Versatile Power of Protection Paladins

Among the esteemed ranks of tanks, the Protection Paladin stands out as a formidable force, armed with a versatile skill set that sets them apart from their peers. As you embark on your journey as a protector, it is crucial to grasp the fundamental principles that govern your role, enabling you to navigate the ebb and flow of battle with confidence and composure.

Understanding Damage Intake and Shield of the Righteous:

A defining characteristic of the Protection Paladin is the fluctuating nature of damage intake. The effectiveness of your defense hinges on the activation of Shield of the Righteous, a vital ability that empowers you to mitigate incoming damage. When Shield of the Righteous is active, your defenses are enhanced, significantly reducing the blows that assail you. However, during periods of its downtime, your vulnerability increases, and damage intake becomes more pronounced.

Embracing Calm amidst Adversity:

It is essential to cultivate a sense of calm and composure as a Protection Paladin, for the ebb and flow of health can be deceiving. While it is natural to feel a sense of urgency when your health dwindles, it is crucial to resist the temptation to panic. Your toolkit is replete with tools designed to extricate yourself from precarious situations. Abilities like Lay on Hands and Divine Shield serve as powerful emergency cooldowns, capable of rapidly restoring your health or providing temporary invincibility, granting you precious moments to regain control of the battle.

The Arsenal of Tricks and Utility:

No other tank class can rival the myriad tricks and utility that a Paladin possesses. The Protection Paladin's toolbox is brimming with a diverse array of abilities that can be deployed strategically to confound enemies and empower allies. Whether it is the potent blessings of Sacrifice and Protection, which shield your comrades or redirect harm, or the versatile auras like Devotion and Mercy, which augment the resilience of your group, your utility knows no bounds. Seize every opportunity to harness these tools and leave an indelible mark on the battlefield.

Adapting to the Unpredictable:

Flexibility is key for a Protection Paladin. In the tumultuous realm of battle, where every encounter is unique, your ability to adapt to changing circumstances determines your success. As you navigate the trials and tribulations of World of Warcraft, remain vigilant and open to adjusting your approach. Swiftly assess the situation at hand, strategize accordingly, and deftly weave together your diverse abilities to triumph over adversity.

Harnessing the Light's Guiding Presence:

The Light, your unwavering ally, illuminates your path and bolsters your spirit as a Protection Paladin. Embrace the tenets of righteousness and justice, drawing strength from the divine source that permeates your being. Let the Light guide your every decision, infusing your actions with wisdom and grace. By aligning yourself with the virtuous path, you will embody the very essence of a protector and inspire awe in those who fight alongside you.

As you embark on your journey as a Protection Paladin, remember that the path to mastery is paved with practice, perseverance, and a deep understanding of your class. Through disciplined effort and a keen awareness of the fundamentals, you will unlock the true potential that lies within you. Embrace the versatile nature of your skill set, and may your presence on the battlefield be an unwavering beacon of strength and resilience.

Delve into the fundamental principles of Protection Paladins in World of Warcraft and harness their versatile power. For those aiming to conquer Mythic+ dungeons and secure remarkable rewards, consider exploring the advantages of our specialized WoW M+ Boost services. These boosts are meticulously designed to guide you through challenging Mythic+ encounters, ensuring your success and triumph. Seamlessly incorporate your newfound mastery of Protection Paladins with our exceptional boosting services, propelling your journey and accomplishments to new heights. Your path to becoming a master of Protection Paladins starts here, supported by expert knowledge and invaluable assistance.

Protection Paladins talent Tree


Mythic + talent tree for Prot. Paladin


Basic Rotation for Protection Paladins

The main goal with your rotation is to generate Shield of the Righteous Icon Shield of the Righteous charges while also maintaining Consecration uptime.

The Protection Paladin rotation is not very complicated, since all abilities have different cooldowns, and you basically just press whatever is coming off cooldown next. When two abilities are ready at the same time, you prioritize according to the list above. Having downtime with nothing to cast is not uncommon. Note that casting Consecration Icon Consecration overwrites any previously active Consecration on the ground.

A quick words on Auras and how to best pick the one for the situation you are in:

  • If you are the only Paladin in your group/raid, you should use Devotion Aura Icon Devotion Aura.
  • If there is a Holy Paladin in your group/raid, they should be using Devotion Aura Icon Devotion Aura, and you should use Retribution Aura Icon Retribution Aura.
  • If there are multiple Paladins in your group/raid, discuss who should use- which aura.
  • If you are mounted, use Crusader Aura Icon Crusader Aura.

Active Mitigation and cooldown Abilities for Protection Paladins

Shield of the Righteous Icon Shield of the Righteous and Word of Glory Icon Word of Glory are your two active mitigation abilities (though Word of Glory Icon Word of Glory is a heal, so it does not really mitigate damage). Since Shield of the Righteous Icon Shield of the Righteous is off the Global Cooldown it is easy to fit in whenever best suited to reduce physical damage intake, without upsetting your rotation. However, due to Word of Glory Icon Word of Glory being on the global cooldown, it is likely to delay your rotation when used. There is no issue with this if the heal will save your life.

Shield of the Righteous Icon Shield of the Righteous uptime is relatively high under normal play scenarios. Your aim will be to have it as close to 100% as your gear/talents will allow.

However, if you have low amounts of haste you will want to pay attention to not overcapping the buff. It can be extended for 3x the base duration 4.5s x 3 = 13.5s. If you are above 9-second duration, try to avoid pressing Shield of the Righteous Icon Shield of the Righteous unless you are about to go over 5 Holy Power.

Due to the strength of Shield of the Righteous Icon Shield of the Righteous, it is best to try to use these cooldowns when Shield of the Righteous is not available, in order to smooth the damage intake, as very rarely will you need a cooldown AND Shield of the Righteous.

  • Guardian of Ancient Kings Icon Guardian of Ancient Kings should be used before a period of high damage intake, or when your healers are unable to heal you for a while.
  • Ardent Defender Icon Ardent Defender is best used to bypass deadly encounter mechanics, or to save your life in critical moments.
  • Avenging Wrath Icon Avenging Wrath increases damage done and healing done by 20%, as well as 20% critical strike chance. This is a good offensive cooldown, but also very useful defensively for self healing.
  • Lay on Hands Icon Lay on Hands should be used as an emergency reactive cooldown to top yourself off when you have dropped low on health. Note that you can also use it to save other raid members.
  • Divine Shield Icon Divine Shield can be used to clear debuffs or avoid fatal damage as you are immune to damage for its duration. Final Stand Icon Final Stand turns Divine Shield into a usable tank cooldown that makes you immune to damage while also forcing all enemies to attack you, without the Final Stand talent however, the boss will not attack you and instead move to the next target on the threat table.

Unveiling the Secrets of Stat Allocation for Protection Paladins

As a stalwart defender on the front lines, understanding the intricacies of stat prioritization is paramount for a proficient Protection Paladin. By discerning the importance of various defensive attributes, you can optimize your gear choices and enhance your overall effectiveness in combat. Join us as we unravel the mysteries of stat allocation, empowering you to make informed decisions in your pursuit of tanking excellence.

Defensive Stat Priority:

  1. Haste: Haste reigns supreme as the foremost priority for Protection Paladins. This attribute directly impacts your global cooldown, ability cooldowns, and the generation of Holy Power. A higher Haste rating enables you to execute your rotations more swiftly, resulting in increased damage mitigation and threat generation.

  2. Mastery: Mastery takes its rightful place as the second key defensive stat for Protection Paladins. Mastery: Divine Bulwark strengthens your ability to block incoming attacks and boosts the effectiveness of Shield of the Righteous. A higher Mastery rating bolsters your overall damage mitigation, rendering you more impervious to harm.

  3. Versatility: Versatility holds a notable position in the Protection Paladin's stat priority. This attribute augments both your damage output and damage reduction capabilities. An increased Versatility rating bolsters your overall effectiveness, enhancing your survivability while bolstering the potency of your attacks.

  4. Critical Strike: Critical Strike assumes a relatively lower priority for Protection Paladins. While it provides a chance for your attacks and heals to deal additional damage, its impact on damage mitigation and threat generation is less significant compared to Haste, Mastery, and Versatility.

Considerations and Balance:

It is essential to recognize that Haste, Mastery, and Versatility are all closely intertwined in terms of value. The differences in their effectiveness are often marginal, especially when comparing items of the same item level. Therefore, prioritizing the highest item level gear is of utmost importance for overall progression.

As you approach 30% Mastery, it becomes prudent to strike a balance between Mastery and Versatility to avoid the effects of Diminishing Returns. At this threshold, consider prioritizing Versatility in gear upgrades to maintain a harmonious allocation of stats.

The Path to Perfection:

Remember that stat prioritization serves as a guiding principle, and individual playstyle and preferences can influence your gear choices. As you progress and refine your tanking abilities, continue to evaluate and adapt your stat priorities based on personal experience and the demands of specific encounters. Through careful analysis and experimentation, you will uncover the optimal balance of attributes that best suits your playstyle.

Armed with the knowledge of defensive stat prioritization, you are prepared to navigate the vast realm of gear upgrades and enhancements. Strive for excellence, prioritize gear with higher item levels, and seek the perfect harmony between Haste, Mastery, Versatility, and Critical Strike. By doing so, you will fortify your defenses, inspire confidence in your allies, and emerge as an indomitable bastion of protection on the battlefield.

Exploring the Intricacies of Statistics for Protection Paladins

In the ever-evolving world of World of Warcraft, the significance of statistics cannot be overstated. As a Protection Paladin, understanding the nuances of each attribute empowers you to make informed decisions regarding gear upgrades and optimization. Join us as we delve into the depths of statistics, demystifying their effects on your performance as a defender of righteousness.


Haste plays a pivotal role in your arsenal, directly impacting your global cooldown and ability cooldowns. By reducing these timers, Haste enables you to execute your rotations more swiftly, resulting in increased uptime of Shield of the Righteous. As your Haste rating increases, your damage intake becomes more predictable, making it easier for healers to anticipate and mitigate damage efficiently. A Haste rating of around 20% ensures optimal rotational Holy Power generation and high Shield of the Righteous uptime. Pushing towards 25-30% Haste allows you to comfortably cast Word of Glory without compromising Shield of the Righteous uptime. Once you reach this threshold, it is prudent to prioritize other statistics over Haste to maximize their benefits.


Mastery, specifically Mastery: Divine Bulwark, holds immense significance for Protection Paladins. It enhances your block chance, attack power, and the damage reduction you receive while standing in Consecration. The increased block chance provides an additional layer of defense, reducing the impact of incoming attacks. Additionally, Mastery augments your damage and healing output, contributing to your overall effectiveness as a tank. It surpasses Versatility in terms of damage reduction due to its ability to increase block chance, making it a highly desirable statistic.


Versatility is a versatile attribute that increases both damage dealt and healing received while also reducing damage taken. It provides a slight edge in terms of damage reduction compared to Mastery, making it a valuable asset to bolster your overall survivability. Unlike Mastery, Versatility remains active even outside of Consecration, offering consistent benefits. However, it falls slightly short of Mastery due to its inability to increase block chance. While not as potent as Mastery, Versatility still plays a crucial role in enhancing your defensive capabilities.

Critical Strike:

Critical Strike predominantly impacts your offensive capabilities, increasing your damage and healing output. Each point of Critical Strike also provides a small amount of Parry, contributing to your avoidance of incoming attacks. However, Critical Strike offers limited defensive benefits, with the exception of slightly increasing the triggering frequency of Grand Crusader. While it can provide occasional benefits to Word of Glory through critical heals, it should not be prioritized as a primary defensive statistic.


Strength, while not considered a primary defensive statistic, still holds significance for Protection Paladins. It increases the Armor gained from Shield of the Righteous, augments your attack power, and provides a slight increase in Parry chance. The additional Armor enhances your overall resilience, while increased attack power contributes to your threat generation and damage output.


Stamina, although not discussed in detail, remains a valuable attribute for Protection Paladins. Having an ample pool of health allows healers to respond to incoming damage and provide timely healing. While most of your Stamina is inherently present on your gear, it is prudent to consider additional Stamina through trinkets, enchants, and gemming if the encounter calls for heightened survivability.

The Balance of Statistics:

Achieving the perfect balance of statistics involves a meticulous evaluation of encounter requirements and personal playstyle. Experimentation and experience are key in determining the optimal allocation of attributes to suit your needs. Strive for a harmonious blend of Haste, Mastery, Versatility, and Critical Strike, leveraging their respective strengths to maximize your potential as a protector.

Armed with this knowledge of statistics, you are now equipped to make informed decisions regarding gear upgrades and enhancements. Seek the perfect balance, fine-tuning your attributes to forge an indomitable shield against the forces of darkness. With each step, may your resilience and strength grow, propelling you to new heights as a steadfast guardian of justice.

Explore the intricate world of statistics tailored for Protection Paladins in World of Warcraft. For those aiming to conquer Mythic+ dungeons at level 10 and beyond while securing remarkable rewards, consider exploring the advantages of our specialized WoW M+ 10 Carry Boost services. These boosts are meticulously crafted to guide you through challenging Mythic+ encounters, ensuring your success and triumph. Seamlessly integrate your newfound knowledge of statistics into your Protection Paladin gameplay with our exceptional boosting services, propelling your journey and accomplishments to new heights. Your path to understanding and mastering Protection Paladin statistics begins here, supported by expert knowledge and invaluable assistance.

Best Gems for Protection Paladins

You should use Quick Ysemerald Icon Quick Ysemerald or Keen Ysemerald Icon Keen Ysemerald in all sockets.

Best Enchants for Protection Paladins

Slot Enchantment


Consumables for Protection Paladins

Best Phials, Weapon Augments, and Potions for Protection

Use Phial of Glacial Fury Icon Phial of Glacial Fury for raiding content and Phial of the Eye in the Storm Icon Phial of the Eye in the Storm for Mythic+ content.

For extra damage, consider using Phial of Glacial Fury Icon Phial of Glacial Fury.

Howling Rune Icon Howling Rune as a safe defensive option and Primal Whetstone Icon Primal Whetstone/ Primal Weightstone Icon Primal Weightstone as offensive alternatives.

Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power Icon Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power should be your combat potion of choice.

You should use Refreshing Healing Potion Icon Refreshing Healing Potion for in-combat healing. Healing potions do not share a cooldown with Healthstone Icon Healthstones, so you can use both independently if you have access to a Warlock.

Best Food for Protection

Use Timely Demise Icon Timely Demise as your Haste food buff of choice.

If a Grand Banquet of the Kalu'ak Icon Grand Banquet of the Kalu'ak is available, use this instead.

Augment Runes for Protection

In addition, if you can afford it, you should use Draconic Augment Rune Icon Draconic Augment Runes to increase your primary stat. Since there is a finite amount of the consumable runes available, you should make sure to use them wisely and to stock up on them for when you need them.

Best Single Target Primordial Stone Gems for Protection Paladin

  1. Prophetic Twilight Stone Icon Prophetic Twilight Stone
  2. Desirous Blood Stone Icon Desirous Blood Stone
  3. Freezing Ice Stone Icon Freezing Ice Stone

Storm Infused Stone Icon Storm Infused Stone is a strong alternative for Freezing Ice Stone Icon Freezing Ice Stone if you only want to focus on one set of stones. The DPS loss from using this on Single Target is there, however there is only one full Single Target raid encounter (Terros) and all other encounters have some other targets.

Best AoE Primordial Stone Gems for Protection Paladin

  1. Prophetic Twilight Stone Icon Prophetic Twilight Stone
  2. Desirous Blood Stone Icon Desirous Blood Stone
  3. Storm Infused Stone Icon Storm Infused Stone

All other gem combinations in AoE may be a downgrade over higher item level rings, be sure to sim your character to know if this is the case for you.

Mastering Holy Power Management: Maximizing Efficiency in Combat

Efficient resource management lies at the heart of every successful Protection Paladin. With Holy Power as your combat resource, it is crucial to optimize your ability rotations and ensure that you make the most of your Holy Power spenders. Join us as we delve into the art of Holy Power management, minimizing waste and maximizing your effectiveness on the battlefield.

Building Holy Power:

As a Protection Paladin, several abilities allow you to accumulate Holy Power. Judgment, Crusader Strike/Hammer of the Righteous/Blessed Hammer, and Hammer of Wrath are the primary tools at your disposal for generating Holy Power. It is essential to utilize these abilities strategically to build Holy Power efficiently, ensuring that you have a steady supply for your Holy Power spenders.

Spending Holy Power:

Your Holy Power spenders, Shield of the Righteous and Word of Glory, serve as your key defensive and self-healing tools. The goal is to avoid reaching the maximum of 5 Holy Power before utilizing these spenders. By carefully planning your ability rotations, you can ensure that Holy Power is consistently expended, preventing any waste and optimizing your damage mitigation and healing potential.

Rotational Planning:

To effectively manage Holy Power, meticulous rotational planning is essential. Anticipate the cooldowns and resource costs of your abilities, aligning them in a way that avoids reaching 5 Holy Power before utilizing your spenders. This requires a keen awareness of ability cooldowns and the pacing of combat encounters.

Empowered Shield of the Righteous:

Another vital aspect of Holy Power management is maximizing the effectiveness of Shield of the Righteous. Casting Judgment before using Shield of the Righteous empowers the ability, increasing the damage the target takes by 25%. Strive to ensure that, whenever possible, your Shield of the Righteous casts are empowered by Judgment. This synergy amplifies your damage output while bolstering your defensive capabilities, contributing to a more efficient use of Holy Power.

The Role of Grand Crusader:

Grand Crusader, a passive ability, provides a chance to make your next Shield of the Righteous cost no Holy Power. It plays a crucial role in Holy Power management, offering opportunities for additional Shield of the Righteous casts. However, it is important to note that relying solely on Grand Crusader procs for Shield of the Righteous uptime may be challenging or even impossible in certain situations. Understanding this dynamic allows you to adapt your strategy accordingly.

Continuous Refinement:

Holy Power management is a skill that requires practice and adaptation. Through experience, you will gain a deeper understanding of the ebb and flow of combat, allowing you to fine-tune your ability rotations and make split-second decisions to optimize Holy Power usage. Continuously refine your approach, seeking harmony between Holy Power generation and expenditure, and strive for efficiency in every encounter.

With a keen eye for resource management and a deep understanding of Holy Power mechanics, you are now poised to master the art of Holy Power management. Harness your abilities, plan your rotations meticulously, and empower your Shield of the Righteous with the light of Judgment. By doing so, you will unlock the true potential of your Protection Paladin, ensuring that every Holy Power is utilized to its fullest, and leaving no opportunity for waste on the battlefield.

Achieve mastery in the art of Holy Power management as a Protection Paladin in World of Warcraft. For those looking to excel in challenging dungeons and secure remarkable rewards, consider exploring the benefits of our specialized WoW Keystone Hero Boost services. These boosts are meticulously crafted to guide you through heroic encounters, ensuring your success and triumph. Seamlessly incorporate your newfound expertise in Holy Power management with our exceptional boosting services, propelling your journey and accomplishments to unparalleled heights. Your path to becoming a master of Holy Power management begins here, supported by expert knowledge and invaluable assistance.

Mastering Consecration Uptime: Maximizing the Sacred Ground

Consecration, a potent ability wielded by Protection Paladins, creates a hallowed ground that strikes fear into the hearts of your foes. To fully harness the power of Consecration, it is imperative to maintain its presence on the battlefield without unnecessary interruptions. Join us as we explore the art of Consecration uptime, enabling you to strike a delicate balance between maintaining its effect and optimizing your rotation.

Understanding Consecration's Duration and Cooldown:

Consecration boasts a relatively short cooldown but a considerably longer duration. The duration of Consecration is influenced by your Haste rating, as it ticks faster with increased Haste. This unique characteristic provides an opportunity for near-constant uptime on Consecration, as it can be easily refreshed before it expires.

Avoiding Unnecessary Recasting:

While maintaining 100% uptime on Consecration is ideal, it is important to note that recasting Consecration unnecessarily can disrupt the flow of your rotation and lead to a loss in overall efficiency. Each time Consecration is recast, it overwrites the previous instance, resulting in a temporary absence of its damage-dealing and damage-reducing effects.

Knowing the Duration:

To effectively manage Consecration uptime, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of the remaining duration of your current Consecration. By monitoring the duration, you can gauge when it is appropriate to prioritize Consecration in your rotation and refresh it before it expires.

Balancing Rotation Priorities:

As a Protection Paladin, your rotation comprises a delicate balance of abilities and cooldowns. While Consecration holds immense importance, it is vital to prioritize other core abilities, such as Shield of the Righteous and Holy Power spenders, to ensure optimal damage mitigation and threat generation.

Strategic Timing:

By strategically timing your Consecration refresh, you can seamlessly integrate it into your rotation without sacrificing the efficacy of other essential abilities. Seek opportunities during moments of downtime or when transitioning between phases to refresh Consecration, maximizing its uptime while maintaining the flow of your rotation.

The Dance of Efficiency:

Achieving and maintaining high Consecration uptime requires a delicate dance of awareness and precision. Continuously monitor the duration of Consecration and plan your rotation accordingly. As you become more adept, you will develop an intuitive sense of when to prioritize Consecration refreshes and seamlessly incorporate it into your combat rhythm.

Embrace the Sacred Ground:

Consecration is more than a mere ability; it is a symbol of your divine presence on the battlefield. By mastering the art of Consecration uptime, you command the sacred ground, instilling fear in your enemies and bolstering the resilience of your allies. Strive for near-constant presence, and let the sanctified realm bear witness to your unwavering dedication as a protector.

With the knowledge of Consecration's duration and the importance of efficient recasting, you are now equipped to wield its power with precision. Step onto the battlefield, forge your sacred path, and let the hallowed ground resonate with the indomitable spirit of a true Protection Paladin.

Mastery of Word of Glory: Balancing Self-Healing and Holy Power Management

Word of Glory, a vital self-healing ability in the arsenal of Protection Paladins, possesses unique properties that require a delicate balance of timing and resource management. Understanding the nuances of Word of Glory usage empowers you to optimize its effectiveness without compromising other crucial aspects of your rotation. Join us as we delve into the intricacies of Word of Glory, revealing the fine line between healing efficiency and Holy Power conservation.

The Power of Word of Glory:

Word of Glory serves as a potent self-healing tool, growing increasingly effective as your health diminishes. Its strength is directly proportional to your missing health, making it a valuable resource for restoring vitality during critical moments. However, due to its Holy Power cost outside of 5 stacks of Shining Light, it is crucial to exercise restraint in its usage, particularly when your health is only slightly depleted.

Avoiding Premature Expenditure:

One common mistake is prematurely spending Holy Power on Word of Glory when you have only suffered minor damage. Doing so diminishes the potential uptime of Shield of the Righteous, a vital ability for damage mitigation, or squanders the benefit of the Shining Light buff that renders Word of Glory free to cast. Striking the balance requires careful consideration of the immediate threat and your current health pool.

Knowledge and Assessment:

Effectively utilizing Word of Glory demands a deep understanding of incoming damage, the availability of cooldowns, and your overall survivability. Acquiring this knowledge allows you to gauge the appropriate timing for Word of Glory, ensuring that you can descend to lower health levels without risking imminent death. It is a delicate dance, requiring practice and familiarity with encounter dynamics.

Planning and Execution:

The key to mastering Word of Glory lies in strategic planning and meticulous execution. Assess the immediacy and severity of incoming damage, considering the cooldowns and active mitigation tools at your disposal. This assessment guides your decision-making process, allowing you to utilize Word of Glory at the optimal moment, maximizing its healing potential while maintaining survivability.

The Challenge of Timing:

The timing of Word of Glory poses a unique challenge as it operates on the global cooldown. This necessitates careful coordination with other abilities in your rotation, ensuring a seamless integration of healing while maintaining the flow of combat. With practice, you will develop an innate sense of timing, effortlessly incorporating Word of Glory into your repertoire.

The Art of Mastery:

Mastery of Word of Glory is a testament to your expertise as a Protection Paladin. By striking a delicate balance between self-healing and Holy Power management, you harness the full potential of this potent ability. Navigate the fine line between healing efficiency and survival, drawing upon your knowledge, experience, and precise timing to weave Word of Glory seamlessly into the tapestry of battle.

Step forth, brave defender, and let the power of Word of Glory be your guiding light. May your discernment and skill shine forth as you navigate the challenging terrain of self-healing and Holy Power management, emerging as an unwavering guardian of righteousness on the battlefield.


Having an Aura active

You should always have an Aura active. Which aura depends on the situation you and your group is in.

  • If you are the only Paladin in your group/raid, you should use Devotion Aura Icon Devotion Aura.
  • If there is a Holy Paladin in your group/raid, they should be using Devotion Aura Icon Devotion Aura, and you should use another aura.
  • If there are multiple Paladins in your group/raid, discuss who should use which aura.
  • If you are mounted, use Crusader Aura Icon Crusader Aura.


Paladins are one of the tanks with the most group utility out there, and it is important to make use of these as it can turn the tide in many situations. Your blessings are some of the strongest spells for your group there is, and a common mistake from Paladins is that they only focus on their own play rather than helping the group when possible. This is especially true for Blessing of Sacrifice Icon Blessing of Sacrifice, which can be used often whenever you know a team member will be taking damage; this is even more important for your co-tank in raids. Blessing of Protection Icon Blessing of Protection or Blessing of Spellwarding Icon Blessing of Spellwarding are also tools you should try to find situations for to help your group out. While Blessing of Freedom Icon Blessing of Freedom has more limited uses most of the time, there are still moments where it shines and it is a mistake not to use.

Hand of the Protector

If you have chosen the Hand of the Protector Icon Hand of the Protector talent, you got an amazing tool for getting allies out of being at dangerously low health with the press of a button. Be careful when helping others with this though, as it does so at the cost of Shield of the Righteous Icon Shield of the Righteous casts or potential self-heals you may need, but hopefully it means the healer can focus more on you instead of panic healing the both of you. It also upsets your rotation since it takes up a global cooldown from your normal rotation.


Lay on Hands

Lay on Hands Icon Lay on Hands is an instant full heal on you or another player that is off the global cooldown. This is incredibly strong to get you out of a low health situation should your Word of Glory Icon Word of Glory not be free right now, or you not having the Holy Power available, or in real emergencies, if you can not wait for the global cooldown of Word of Glory, Lay on Hands might need to be used.

Planning Defensive Cooldowns and Externals

If a raid or boss ability will require you to use specific cooldowns, personals, or externals to survive, you want to build up a plan for when to use these strong cooldowns against what abilities. Make sure you are using some form of add-on to track other team members strong cooldowns to be able to call for them.

With Protection Paladins not being able to keep 100% uptime on their Shield of the Righteous Icon Shield of the Righteous, in many situations we are required to fill in the gaps of Shield of the Righteous uptime with cooldowns to smooth damage intake. Try either using short cooldown external, or Ardent Defender Icon Ardent Defender to buy you a few more seconds of safety while you let Shield of the Righteous recharge.

Striking the Balance: Balancing Offense and Defense as a Tank

As a tank, finding the equilibrium between offense and defense is crucial for optimal performance and survival. While it is tempting to prioritize either extreme, going too offensive or too defensive can lead to undesirable consequences. Join us as we explore the delicate balance required to navigate the fine line between offense and defense, ensuring both effectiveness and longevity in your role.

Too Offensive: The Perils of Excessive Aggression

Unleashing a torrent of damage as a tank can be exhilarating, but it is essential to exercise caution and avoid going overboard with offensive tools. Being overly focused on dealing damage without adequate preparation can quickly backfire. Without the proper defensive measures, you leave yourself vulnerable to sudden bursts of damage or unexpected threats. Remember, it is not just about how much damage you can dish out, but also about your ability to withstand the onslaught. The right level of offensiveness varies from player to player, as each individual has their own comfort level and perception of safety. Strive for a balance that allows you to contribute meaningfully to the battle while maintaining a solid foundation of defensive capabilities.

Too Defensive: The Pitfalls of Excessive Caution

Conversely, some players may lean towards an excessively defensive approach, prioritizing survivability above all else. While a tank's primary objective is to endure, there is a point where excessive focus on survivability becomes counterproductive. Overinvesting in defensive talents, gear, trinkets, and consumables can inadvertently lead to threat issues and reduced damage output. As a tank, it is crucial to strike a balance between survivability and damage potential. Gradually transitioning from a highly defensive stance to gradually increasing damage output can ensure threat generation remains effective while maintaining a level of safety. Finding this delicate equilibrium allows you to fulfill your role as a protector while contributing meaningfully to the success of your group.

The Art of Balancing Offense and Defense:

Achieving the ideal balance between offense and defense requires a measured approach and a deep understanding of encounter dynamics. Consider the following guidelines as you seek the optimal equilibrium:

  1. Start with a solid foundation of defensive measures, ensuring you can withstand incoming damage and fulfill your primary role as a tank.

  2. Systematically introduce offensive elements, gradually increasing your damage output without compromising survivability.

  3. Continuously assess your comfort level and perception of safety. Each player has a unique threshold at which they feel secure in their defensive capabilities.

  4. Adapt to encounter-specific requirements. Some encounters may demand a more defensive approach, while others may provide opportunities for increased offensive output.

  5. Communication and coordination with your group are vital. Discuss your approach and comfort level with your healers and co-tanks to ensure everyone is on the same page.

Strive for the Optimal Balance:

In the ever-evolving world of tanking, balance is the key to success. Embrace the delicate dance between offense and defense, acknowledging that it is a journey of continuous refinement. By finding the sweet spot that resonates with your playstyle and instilling trust in your abilities, you will emerge as a formidable tank, capable of weathering the storm while propelling your group towards victory.

So, step into the fray, valiant protector, and master the art of balancing offense and defense. May your measured approach and unwavering resolve guide you to become a beacon of strength and resilience on the battlefield.

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Single Target Rotation for Protection Paladin

Please note that Active Mitigation or defensive cooldowns are discussed further down the page, as you generally have to juggle these independently of the rest of your rotation.

The priority system is not very complicated, since all abilities have different cooldowns, and you basically just press whatever comes off cooldown next. When two abilities are ready at the same time, you prioritize accordingly. Having downtime and not having any abilities you can cast is not uncommon.

This rotation is not only the best for damage, it also provides the best Holy Power generation for survival.

You want to always try to make sure you are currently standing inside your own Consecration Icon Consecration to reduce damage intake. Usually, during your rotation, you will get a chance to refresh it early when all other abilities are on cooldown. By tracking the uptime of Consecration, you should be ready a few seconds before it will run out to be ready to prioritize it above most of your usual rotational abilities. Keep in mind that due to your Grand Crusader Icon Grand Crusader passive, there is always a chance for your Avenger's Shield to have its cooldown reset.

If you are specced into Seraphim Icon Seraphim, you will want to use it on cooldown to deal as much damage as possible; you should always try to pair Avenging Wrath Icon Avenging Wrath up with every third Seraphim by waiting with using Avenging Wrath until the third Seraphim is ready.

Multiple Target Rotation for Protection Paladin

Against two targets, our rotation stays the same as in single target, but against 3+ targets the only difference is that Avenger's Shield Icon Avenger's Shield gets priority. Coupled with Soaring Shield Icon Soaring Shield, this becomes a huge difference in AoE damage against 5 targets. While both Hammer of the Righteous Icon Hammer of the Righteous and Blessed Hammer Icon Blessed Hammer deals damage in AoE situations, it is rarely ever worth prioritizing them above Judgment Icon Judgment or Hammer of Wrath Icon Hammer of Wrath.

Active Mitigation for Protection Paladins

Shield of the Righteous Icon Shield of the Righteous and Word of Glory Icon Word of Glory are your two active mitigation abilities (though Word of Glory is a heal, so it does not really mitigate damage).

The Mighty Shield: Unleashing the Power of Shield of the Righteous

Shield of the Righteous stands as the cornerstone of your damage mitigation arsenal, empowering you to withstand the onslaught of enemy attacks. As a Protection Paladin, understanding the intricacies of this formidable ability is crucial for maintaining your resilience in the face of adversity. Join us as we explore the power and nuances of Shield of the Righteous, guiding you towards optimal utilization.

Unleashing the Shield:

Shield of the Righteous serves as your primary damage mitigation tool, shielding you from harm and bolstering your defenses. This ability requires 3 Holy Power to activate, and upon casting, it grants you a 4.5-second buff that enhances your Armor. The effectiveness of this Armor increase is directly influenced by your Strength, emphasizing the importance of this attribute in fortifying your defenses.

A Multi-Purpose Tool:

Shield of the Righteous not only enhances your defensive capabilities but also deals damage to all enemies directly in front of you. Unlike other abilities, it does not require a specific target, enabling you to utilize it efficiently during combat situations. By seamlessly incorporating Shield of the Righteous into your rotation, you can enhance your survivability without sacrificing offensive potential.

Timing is Key:

Determining the optimal timing for Shield of the Righteous usage requires careful consideration of your circumstances. While each encounter presents unique challenges, the general principle remains constant: activate Shield of the Righteous whenever you anticipate significant incoming damage. By doing so, you fortify your defenses and mitigate the impact of enemy assaults.

Avoiding Holy Power Waste:

Maintaining efficient Holy Power management is crucial when utilizing Shield of the Righteous. Strive to never reach the maximum of 5 Holy Power while utilizing Holy Power generating abilities. This ensures that you continually generate Holy Power without wasting any potential resources. Conversely, avoid prematurely casting Shield of the Righteous when you have only 3 Holy Power, as doing so may hinder your ability to rebuild Holy Power quickly should the need arise.

The Ebb and Flow:

Under normal circumstances, achieving 100% uptime for Shield of the Righteous is a challenging endeavor. The duration of the buff will eventually fade, leading to increased damage intake. Remain vigilant and prepared for the higher damage output during these moments. Adapt your strategies, coordinate with your healers, and leverage additional defensive cooldowns or mitigation tools to weather the storm until Shield of the Righteous can be reapplied.

Mastering the Mighty Shield:

Becoming a master of Shield of the Righteous requires a keen understanding of encounter dynamics, your own survivability requirements, and effective resource management. Continuously refine your ability rotation and timing, adapting to the ever-changing demands of battle. By skillfully wielding Shield of the Righteous, you will rise as an unyielding bastion, shielding your allies and defying the forces of darkness.

Embrace the power that lies within your grasp. Unleash Shield of the Righteous with precision and purpose, standing firm against the tide of adversity. May its resolute defense be a testament to your unwavering dedication as a Protection Paladin.

Word of Glory

Word of Glory Icon Word of Glory costs 3 Holy Power and is a small heal which is increased by your missing health.

Given its cost of Holy Power, you should wait to use Word of Glory until your health is at a comfortably low level (around 30-50% health) to gain the highest possible benefit from it without dying. Every 5 casts of Shield of the Righteous Icon Shield of the Righteous will cause give you a buff that makes your next Word of Glory free to cast. While this buff is active, you can not gain more Shining Light Icon Shining Light charges.

In certain situations, it is also worth taking a hit or two without Shield of the Righteous Icon Shield of the Righteous active (only do this when you can do it safely), but as soon as the hit lands, you instantly heal yourself back up and apply mitigation; that way, you can buy yourself a few seconds buy you time to build up Holy Power for Shield of the Righteous.

The Power of Taunting: Hand of Reckoning

Hand of Reckoning, a formidable taunting ability bestowed upon Protection Paladins, allows you to seize control of a single target and redirect its aggression towards you. Understanding the mechanics and nuances of this powerful tool is vital for maintaining threat control and ensuring the safety of your allies. Join us as we delve into the power of Hand of Reckoning and its impact on your role as a tank.

The Art of Taunting:

Hand of Reckoning serves as your primary taunting ability, allowing you to provoke a specific target and compel it to direct its attacks towards you. By utilizing this ability, you effectively establish yourself at the top of the target's threat table, ensuring that it focuses its attention solely on you for a duration of 3 seconds.

Generating Threat and Aggro:

Upon successfully taunting a target with Hand of Reckoning, you generate three times more threat for the duration of 3 seconds. This heightened threat generation solidifies your position as the primary target, allowing you to maintain control over the encounter and protect your allies from harm.

Cooldown and Immunity Considerations:

Hand of Reckoning possesses an 8-second cooldown, requiring a strategic approach to its usage. It is important to note that even if you currently have an immunity effect active, such as Divine Shield, Hand of Reckoning remains effective in redirecting the target's attacks towards you. This unique aspect of the ability ensures that you maintain control over the encounter, regardless of your current defensive measures.

Maintaining Threat Control:

Effective taunting involves more than just provoking a target. It is essential to follow up with consistent threat generation to retain control over the encounter. Utilize your abilities strategically, employing both offensive and defensive tools to generate threat while mitigating damage. By doing so, you solidify your role as the guardian of your group, ensuring that enemies remain focused on you.

Communication and Coordination:

Taunting is a team effort, requiring effective communication and coordination with your group. Inform your teammates when you intend to taunt a specific target, allowing them to adjust their strategies and focus their damage accordingly. Clear and concise communication enables a seamless flow of combat, maximizing the effectiveness of your taunting abilities.

The Responsibility of Leadership:

As a tank, taunting holds immense responsibility. It is your duty to maintain threat control, protect your allies, and guide the flow of battle. Mastering the art of taunting requires practice, adaptability, and a deep understanding of encounter mechanics. Strive to embody the essence of leadership, leading your group with confidence and poise.

Harness the Power of Taunting:

Embrace the power bestowed upon you by Hand of Reckoning. Let its commanding presence resonate through the battlefield as you seize control of your enemies. Master the delicate balance of threat generation, coordination, and communication, and emerge as an unwavering bastion of protection and leadership.

With Hand of Reckoning at your disposal, may your taunts be heard loud and clear, ensuring the safety and triumph of your allies.

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Cooldown Usage for Protection Paladins

Due to the strength of Shield of the Righteous Icon Shield of the Righteous, it is best to try to use these cooldowns when Shield of the Righteous is not available in order to smooth the damage intake, as very rarely will you need a cooldown AND Shield of the Righteous.

  • Guardian of Ancient Kings Icon Guardian of Ancient Kings provides you with a 50% damage reduction for 8 seconds, on a 5-minute cooldown. You should use this before a period of large damage, or when you are unable to use Shield of the Righteous Icon Shield of the Righteous.
  • Ardent Defender Icon Ardent Defender is another powerful defensive ability, with a 2-minute cooldown and an 8-second duration. It reduces all damage taken by 20% while it is active, and it causes the first killing blow against you to heal you up to 12% of your maximum health instead of killing you (the latter effect consumes the Ardent Defender). This ability is best used to bypass deadly encounter mechanics, or to save your life in critical moments. It also allows you to play at low health and still be safe.
  • Avenging Wrath Icon Avenging Wrath increases both damage done and healing done by 20%, as well as gives your Paladin abilities 20% critical strike chance. This is not only an offensive cooldown, but also very useful defensively when talented into Sanctified Wrath Icon Sanctified Wrath, as Judgment Icon Judgment will then give you two Holy Power per cast.
  • Lay on Hands Icon Lay on Hands is essentially a massive heal with a very long cooldown. It will heal you (or a targeted ally) for your maximum health, with a 10-minute cooldown. It is best used as an emergency heal, either for yourself or another raid member, if you are unable to cast Word of Glory Icon Word of Glory due to its global cooldown, or because you recently used it.
  • Divine Shield Icon Divine Shield makes you immune to all damage for 8 seconds. Normally, this ability is difficult to use while tanking (since the boss will immediately attack the next target on the threat table unless you Taunt it, and only lasts for 3 seconds), but it can be employed to clear certain debuffs, or to avoid fatal encounter mechanics. Final Stand Icon Final Stand however, turns Divine Shield into a usable tank cooldown that makes you immune to damage while also forcing all enemies to attack you.

Auras as a Protection Paladin

Auras are here to stay. They all function the same way they did in Shadowlands with the exception of Retribution Aura Icon Retribution Aura which now has an additional effect making it even more powerful.

Crusader Aura Icon Crusader Aura has a talent interaction with Seal of the Templar Icon Seal of the Templar which increases the range of some of your abilities by 3 yards. However, this is not likely to ever be used.

  • Devotion Aura Icon Devotion Aura: When active, this Aura will reduce the damage everyone in range takes by 3%. This Aura will be used by default, the only exceptions to this are when you have multiple Paladins in the group, where one will use another Aura to ensure you all benefit from multiple Auras. In the scenario you have a Holy Paladin in the group, they should use Devotion Aura Icon Devotion Aura as their Aura Mastery Icon Aura Mastery will empower it to make it stronger.
  • Retribution Aura Icon Retribution Aura: When active, this Aura will give you a Avenging Wrath Icon Avenging Wrath for 8 seconds. Additionally in Dragonflight when a party or raid member is taken below 50% health you will gain Seraphim Icon Seraphim for 4 seconds. This Aura should be used when there are multiple Paladins in the group and one has Devotion Aura Icon Devotion Aura active.
  • Crusader Aura Icon Crusader Aura: When active, this will increase all mounted speed by 20% for all players in range. Interestingly, this also applies to Divine Steed Icon Divine Steed. This Aura will primarily be used when you are mounted.

Generic Macros for Paladins

Most of the macros for Paladins revolve around allowing you to use your utility spells on your mouseover target.

Blessing Mouseover Macros

  • #showtooltip Blessing of Protection
  • /stopcasting
  • /cast [@mouseover, help, nodead] Blessing of Protection
  • #showtooltip Blessing of Freedom
  • /stopcasting
  • /cast [@mouseover, help, nodead] [] Blessing of Freedom
  • #showtooltip Blessing of Sacrifice
  • /stopcasting
  • /cast [@mouseover, help, nodead] Blessing of Sacrifice

These macros allow you to cast your various hand spells on the target you are currently mousing over. Stopcasting is in place to ensure that you do not delay casting any of these spells due to a cast already in progress.

Lay on Hands Mouseover Macro

  • #showtooltip Lay on Hands
  • /stopcasting
  • /cast [@mouseover, help, nodead] Lay on Hands

This macro will cast Lay on Hands Icon Lay on Hands on the target you are currently mousing over.

Word of Glory Mouseover Macro

  • #showtooltip Word of Glory
  • /stopcasting
  • /cast [@mouseover, help, nodead] Word of Glory

This macro will cast Word of Glory Icon Word of Glory on the target you are currently mousing over. If you want to add a failsafe into the macro where it will cast on yourself if your mouseover target is not friendly the below macro covers this.

  • #showtooltip Word of Glory
  • /stopcasting
  • /cast [@mouseover, help, nodead] [] Word of Glory

Intercession (Combat Res) Mouseover Macro

  • #showtooltip Intercession
  • /stopcasting
  • /cast [@mouseover, dead, exists] Intercession

This macro will cast Intercession Icon Intercession on the target you are currently mousing over.

Mouseover Cleanse Toxins Macro

  • #showtooltip Cleanse Toxins
  • /cast [@mouseover, help, nodead] Cleanse Toxins

This macro will cast Cleanse Toxins Icon Cleanse Toxins on the target you are currently mousing over. If you want to add a failsafe into the macro where it will cast on yourself if your mouseover target is not friendly the below macro covers this.

  • #showtooltip Cleanse Toxins
  • /cast [@mouseover, help, nodead] [] Cleanse Toxins

Divine Shield

  • #showtooltip Divine Shield
  • /stopcasting
  • /cast Divine Shield

This macro will stop your current spell cast and cast Divine Shield Icon Divine Shield, ensuring that your invulnerability is not delayed at all.


  • #showtooltip Rebuke
  • /stopcasting
  • /cast [@focus,exists][] Rebuke

This macro will stop your current spell cast and cast Rebuke Icon Rebuke on your focus target, if you have one. Otherwise, it will cast Rebuke on your current target.

Specific Macros for Protection Paladins

Divine Shield Cancelaura Macro

  • #showtooltip Divine Shield
  • /cast Divine Shield
  • /cancelaura [noknown:Final Stand] Divine Shield

This macro allows you to cancel your Divine Shield Icon Divine Shield (by pressing it a second time). This is useful for when you want to use Divine Shield to quickly get rid of a debuff, but want to continue tanking the boss (make sure you use taunt to make the boss fixate you as you know, if you have Divine Shield, the boss will attack the next target on the threat list without the fixate).

The addition of [noknown:Final Stand] makes the macro not cancel Divine Shield Icon Divine Shield if you have Final Stand Icon Final Stand talented.

You can always add both Blessing of Protection Icon Blessing of Protection as well as Blessing of Spellwarding Icon Blessing of Spellwarding to the same macro to cover more bases. This means that if you use any of the spells that might make mobs not target you, you can always press the same button to remove its effect. And since Divine Shield can not be cast on you when you have Forbearance Icon Forbearance you are safe to use this macro:

  • #showtooltip Divine Shield
  • /cast Divine Shield
  • /cancelaura [noknown:Final Stand] Divine Shield
  • /cancelaura Blessing of Protection
  • /cancelaura [known:Blessing of Spellwarding] Blessing of Spellwarding

Note that it does NOT matter in what order these abilities are, and the game will not directly cancel Divine Shield right after casting it if only pressed once. Be careful if you have to repeatedly click Divine Shield Icon Divine Shield in an emergency during global cooldown, as if you keep pressing it after you casted Divine Shield you will drop it instantly.

Best addons for Protection Paladin

2.1.10. Exorsus Raid Tools Exorsus Raid Tools is a comprehensive addon that provides various tools and features to assist with raiding. It offers features such as raid cooldown tracking, raid notes, raid timers, and customizable boss encounter notifications. This addon can greatly enhance your raiding experience and coordination with your team.

2.1.11. TellMeWhen TellMeWhen is a versatile addon that allows you to create customizable icons or bars to track buffs, debuffs, cooldowns, or any other important information. With its intuitive interface, you can easily set up visual reminders for key abilities, making it easier to monitor and optimize your gameplay.

2.1.12. Gnosis Castbars Gnosis Castbars provides customizable and highly informative castbars for player, target, focus, and other unit frames. It allows you to track the casting progress of both yourself and your enemies, aiding in precise timing and decision-making during encounters.

2.1.13. VuhDo or Healbot VuhDo and Healbot are popular addons for healers that provide customizable raid frames with advanced healing functionality. These addons allow you to efficiently monitor and manage the health of your group members, easily apply heals and dispels, and track important buffs and debuffs. Choose the one that best suits your preferences and healing style.

2.1.14. Decursive Decursive is a specialized addon for cleansing and dispelling debuffs. It provides a streamlined interface to swiftly remove harmful debuffs from yourself and your allies. This addon is particularly valuable for healers with cleansing abilities, ensuring quick and efficient debuff removal during encounters.

2.1.15. Tidy Plates Tidy Plates is an addon that enhances the appearance and functionality of nameplates. It provides customizable and visually appealing nameplates, making it easier to identify enemies, track threat levels, and manage crowd control effects during combat.

2.1.16. OmniCC OmniCC is a simple yet powerful addon that adds cooldown timers to your action buttons. It visually displays the remaining cooldown time for your abilities, allowing for better planning and timing of your rotations and cooldown usage.

2.1.17. Auctionator or TradeSkillMaster Auctionator and TradeSkillMaster are addons designed to streamline and enhance your auction house experience. They provide features such as improved search functionality, pricing information, automated posting, and advanced auction management tools. These addons are invaluable for players engaged in buying, selling, and crafting activities in the game's economy.

2.1.18. HandyNotes and HandyNotes: Shadowlands Treasures HandyNotes and HandyNotes: Shadowlands Treasures are addons that enhance your exploration and treasure hunting in World of Warcraft. They mark points of interest, hidden treasures, rare spawns, and other valuable locations on your map, allowing you to efficiently navigate and collect rewards as you traverse the world.

2.1.19. DBM Voicepacks DBM Voicepacks are additional voice packs that add immersive and customizable audio alerts to the Deadly Boss Mods addon. These voice packs offer a range of options, including different voices, accents, and languages, allowing you to personalize your boss encounter alerts and enhance your gameplay experience.

2.1.20. Addon Managers: CurseForge or WowUp Addon Managers such as CurseForge and WowUp simplify the process of managing and updating your addons. They provide a convenient interface for browsing, installing, and updating addons, ensuring that you always have the latest versions and compatibility with the game client.

Explore and Experiment:

While the addons listed above are highly recommended, it is important to explore and experiment with different addons to find the ones that best suit your preferences and playstyle. Addons can greatly enhance your gameplay experience, providing valuable information, customization options, and quality of life improvements. Embrace the vast world of addons and tailor your user interface to optimize your performance and enjoyment in World of Warcraft.

In conclusion, the WoW Dragonflight Protection Paladin Tank Guide provides invaluable insights and strategies for mastering the art of tanking as a Protection Paladin. With its comprehensive coverage of abilities, rotations, stats, and tactics, this guide equips aspiring tanks with the knowledge and tools necessary to excel in both raid and Mythic+ dungeon environments.

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Embrace the opportunity to enhance your World of Warcraft experience with the WoW Dragonflight Protection Paladin Tank Guide and Simple Carry's boosting services. Unlock the full potential of your Protection Paladin, conquer formidable challenges, and savor the satisfaction of achieving your gaming goals in a time-efficient and enjoyable manner.

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