Welcome to Simple Carry's WoW The War Within Gearing Guide! With The War Within expansion upon us, it's time to focus on boosting your character's power. Proper gearing not only helps you tackle tougher challenges but also ensures smoother gameplay.
There are various ways to obtain gear, some available right from the start and others requiring more preparation and planning. The most effective methods for gearing up in The War Within are through Mythic+ runs and Raids to secure your Best-in-Slot (BiS) items. However, there are also several reliable alternatives that we'll explore, along with pro tips to enhance your gameplay.
One of the quickest and easiest ways to get your first set of new gear is by starting the Campaign. The item levels are competitive, and this method is accessible to nearly everyone. But completing the quests yourself can be time-consuming, and you're here to save time on gearing up. That's where our pro players come in; they can complete The War Within Campaign for you, allowing you to receive your initial gear effortlessly. Don't forget to check our recent skyriding guide!
Raid Gear Overview

In The War Within, raiding offers four levels of difficulty: Raid Finder, Normal, Heroic, and Mythic. Each level increases the item level of gear you can obtain:
Difficulty | Type | Bosses 1-2 | Bosses 3-4 | Bosses 5-6 | Bosses 7-8 |
LFR | Regular | 571 | 574 | 577 | 580 |
Very Rare | 580 | 580 | 580 | 580 | |
Normal | Regular | 584 | 587 | 590 | 593 |
Very Rare | 593 | 593 | 593 | 593 | |
Heroic | Regular | 597 | 600 | 603 | 606 |
Very Rare | 606 | 606 | 606 | 606 | |
Mythic | Regular | 610 | 613 | 616 | 619 |
Very Rare | 619 | 619 | 619 | 619 |
Raiding is one of the most exciting endgame activities in WoW, requiring both skill and strategy. The War Within Season 1 kicks off on September 10th, 2024, with the opening of Nerub-ar Palace. Our expert players are ready to help you secure Full Raid Gear, ensuring you're well-prepared for the challenges ahead.
Dungeon Gear Overview

Farming dungeons is a key method to gear up in The War Within. Dungeons come in four difficulty levels: Normal, Heroic, Mythic, and Mythic+. The higher the difficulty, the better the rewards. You can start exploring dungeons as soon as you reach level 80 and begin The War Within campaign. Whether you're teaming up with pre-made groups or using the Dungeon Finder, you'll experience exciting content and earn valuable gear.
Here's the item level breakdown for Season 1 dungeons:
- Normal Difficulty: Item Level 554 (Explorer 3/8 Gear)
- Heroic Difficulty: Item Level 567 (Adventurer 4/8 Gear)
- Mythic Difficulty: Item Level 593 (Veteran 4/8 Gear)
The revamped Mythic+ system in The War Within allows for the best rewards starting from +10 Keystones, impacting the WoW Great Vault rewards as well. Below is a detailed table of dungeon rewards for all difficulties:
Difficulty | Pre-Season | Season 1 | Great Vault |
Normal | 554 | 554 | — |
Heroic | 567 | 580 | 593 |
Mythic | — | 593 | 603 |
+2 | — | 597 | 606 |
+3 | — | 597 | 610 |
+4 | — | 600 | 610 |
+5 | — | 603 | 613 |
+6 | — | 606 | 613 |
+7 | — | 610 | 616 |
+8 | — | 610 | 619 |
+9 | — | 613 | 619 |
+10 | — | 613 | 623 |
Dive into these dungeons to gear up quickly and efficiently, making the most of each difficulty level to enhance your character's power.
Normal Dungeons
Normal Dungeons are the starting point for gearing up in The War Within. Accessible from level 70, these dungeons offer a straightforward challenge, ideal for beginners. Bosses in Normal Dungeons drop 554 item level Explorer Gear. While this gear isn't the highest quality, it serves as a good stepping stone towards more difficult content, like Heroic runs. Since there are no daily cooldowns, you can farm Normal Dungeons as often as you like, although you'll soon want to replace this gear with better options.
Heroic Dungeons
Heroic Dungeons provide a step up in difficulty and rewards compared to Normal Dungeons. Available from level 80, these dungeons introduce bosses with new abilities, adding a bit more challenge. Here, you'll find 567 item level Adventurer Gear, with each dungeon being lootable once per day. Heroic Dungeons become accessible at the expansion cap, making them a popular choice for players looking to improve their gear quickly.
Most players, upon reaching level 80, often bypass Normal and Heroic difficulties in favor of jumping straight into Mythic dungeons for the best rewards. However, Heroic Dungeons are a great way to get prepared for the tougher challenges ahead.
With the expansion launching on August 26, Heroic difficulty dungeons will be ready for you to explore. It's the perfect chance to grab a Heroic Dungeons Bundle and get your hands on the latest gear. Our pro players are on standby to assist you in conquering these dungeons and boosting your gear to the next level.

Mythic+ Dungeons are the premier source of high-quality gear and Best-in-Slot (BiS) items for many players in The War Within. The rewards scale with the key level you complete: the higher the key, the better the loot at the dungeon's end and from the weekly Great Vault. Without lockouts, you can farm Mythic+ dungeons repeatedly.
Completing Mythic+ runs not only provides immediate rewards but also contributes to your Mythic+ Rating, influencing your weekly Great Vault rewards. Each week, you can open the Vault to receive a random item based on the number and difficulty of Mythic+ dungeons completed the previous week. Note that Great Vault rewards now exclude PvP gear, so completing World Activities and Delves also contribute to your Vault rewards.
In Season 1, Mythic+ dungeons are your fastest route to gearing up and achieving top-tier status. Reaching a Mythic Score of 2000+ comes with prestigious rewards, such as the coveted Diamond Mechsuit mount. Instead of spending time in queues, enlist the help of our professional players to secure the KSM Mount and maximize your gear efficiently.
Valorstones Upgrade

In The War Within, a new currency called Valorstones has been introduced, replacing the Flightstones from the previous expansion. With a cap of 2,000, Valorstones, along with seasonal crests, allow players to upgrade their max-level gear. You can earn Valorstones by engaging in a variety of max-level activities, including quests, raids, dungeons, battlegrounds, and arena matches.
Every piece of gear, regardless of its type or rank, can be upgraded using Valorstones. However, higher-ranked items require more Valorstones and necessitate the farming of Crests for further upgrades. This system ensures that players can continuously enhance their equipment and stay competitive throughout the season.
Crafting Professions Gear Overview
In The War Within, crafted gear remains a top choice for many classes, offering a high degree of customization compared to dungeon and raid loot. This flexibility allows you to tailor your gear specifically to your needs. Here are some of the useful Embellishments available in The War Within that can enhance the quality and functionality of your items:
Crafting your gear can often be faster and more efficient than other methods of obtaining high-level items, with the added benefit of mild customization options.
Please note that some of these new Embellishments are still being finalized, and their full descriptions may not yet be available. Additionally, we expect the list of Optimal Crafting Reagents to be released soon, and we'll be updating the Crafting Professions Gear section of our guide accordingly. Stay tuned for the latest updates!
World Quests Gear Overview
In The War Within, World Quests occasionally offer gear as rewards. While the item level of World Quest gear isn't top-tier, it's a solid option for getting yourself ready for Heroic or Mythic+ dungeons. To find these quests, simply open your world map and check the different zones for available gear upgrades. World Quests reset each week, so once you've completed them all, you'll need to wait for the reset to tackle them again.
World Boss Gear Overview
With tons of content already being presented, The War Within grants us World Bosses, that are found in the fixed TWW zones. There are 4 of them in Khaz Algar:
- Kordac, the Dormant Protector;
- Aggregation of Horrors;
- Shurrai, Atrocity of the Undersea;
- Orta, the Broken Mountain.
These mighty enemies drop nice items with decent ilvl:
- Dornish Warden's Coat;
- Lightseeker's Robes;
- Sturdy Chitinous Striders;
- Abyssal Tendril Tights;
- Girdle of the Gleaming Dawn;
- Crystal Star Cuisses;
- Deep Dweller's Tabi;
- Stone Gaze Ceinture;
- Seal of the Void-Touched — Aggregation of Horrors;
- Seal of the Broken Mountain — Orta;
- Seal of the Abyssal Terror — Shurral;
- Seal of the Silent Vigil — Kordac.
PvP Gear Overview
For those who thrive on competitive play and enjoy showing off their skills in battles against other players, PvP gear in The War Within is the perfect choice. PvP gear not only looks impressive but also provides additional bonuses when in Warmode. This gear is typically purchased from specialized vendors using PvP currency earned in battles. Here's the latest item level information for PvP gear:
- Crafted Gear: PvP ilvl 606 | PvE ilvl 545
- Honor Gear: PvP ilvl 619 | PvE ilvl 558
- War Mode Gear (Bloody Token): PvP ilvl 629 | PvE ilvl 593
- Conquest Gear: PvP ilvl 632 | PvE ilvl 619
You can find the PvP vendors in Dornogal:
- Hotharn - Competitor’s Recipes (also sells Vicious Jeweler's Setting to add a socket to your PvP gear)
- Gilderann - War Mode Quartermaster
- Velerd - Honor Quartermaster
- Lalandi - Conquest Quartermaster
With the recent changes and the introduction of Warbands, Warmode currency is now shared across all characters in your Warband. This means you can equip your entire roster with PvP sets using the earnings from your main character.
Honor Gear
Honor Gear is aptly named, as it can be acquired by exchanging the special currency, Honor. In The War Within, the item level for Honor Gear is 619 in PvP and 558 in PvE.
With the Great Vault no longer providing weekly PvP rewards, Blizzard has reworked the PvP gearing system. While all details are not yet fully disclosed, they have introduced PvP recipes available from Hotharn, the Competitor’s Recipes vendor. A comprehensive list of these recipes can be found below. Additionally, you can obtain valuable rewards from Velerd, the Honor Quartermaster.
Notable Honor Gear Rewards
Glorious Contender's Strongbox
- Type: Miscellaneous
- Cost: 5000 Honor
- Description: A treasure trove of various items, including profession reagents, recipe scrolls, PvP consumables, and more!
- Type: Token
- Cost: 2000 Honor
- Description: Contains 5 Marks of Honor.
These changes aim to balance the new PvP gearing system, offering players more avenues to obtain and customize their gear.
Conquest Gear
Conquest Gear is superior to Honor Gear and can be upgraded up to nine times. In The War Within, you can obtain 632 ilvl Conquest Gear from Lalandi, the Conquest Quartermaster. For PvE, this gear will have an item level of 619.
War Mode Gear
War Mode Gear is acquired using Bloody Tokens, a prestigious currency earned through War Mode activities such as completing world quests, participating in PvP, and looting supply drops. You can purchase 629 ilvl PvP gear (593 ilvl in PvE) with Bloody Tokens. Weekly quest rewards can also grant extra Tokens.
Gilderann, the War Mode Quartermaster, can be found in Dornogal. He offers a variety of gear options. Refer to the table below to see what items are available from this vendor.
World Events Overview
One of the standout World Events in The War Within is Radiant Echoes, running from July 30 to August 26. This event offers a unique opportunity to aid the Azeroth Worldsoul and earn impressive rewards.
During the Radiant Echoes Pre-Patch Event, you can collect specific reagents to obtain valuable gear, starting at item level 480. This event provides a wide range of equipment, making it an excellent way to enhance your character's power. Don't miss out on this limited-time event to gear up effectively.
Reputation Rewards Overview
In The War Within, reaching high reputation levels with various factions grants you valuable gear. There are four main factions you'll want to align with, each offering unique rewards as you increase your standing with them. Here's what you can unlock:
Council of Dornogal
- Cloak (Item Level 467) - Level 1
- Shoulders (Item Level 584) - Level 7
- Boots (Item Level 597) - Level 16
Assembly of the Deeps
- Necklace (Item Level 509) - Level 2
- Helm (Item Level 584) - Level 8
- Belt (Item Level 597) - Level 19
Arathi of the Hallowfall
- Gloves (Item Level 528) - Level 2
- Chest (Item Level 584) - Level 7
- Bracers (Item Level 597) - Level 18
Severed Threads
- Ring (Item Level 541) - Level 2
- Gem (Item Level 571) - Level 6
- Gem (Item Level 584 / 597) - Level 11 / 19
Building reputation with these factions not only helps you gain powerful gear but also strengthens your alliances, enhancing your overall experience in The War Within.
Weekly Cache Rewards Overview
In Dragonflight, the Weekly Cache was a valuable reward earned by completing various quests from an NPC in the capital city, involving activities like planting seeds and gaining reputation points. This system continues in The War Within, albeit with some updates from Blizzard.
Starting in The War Within, the first two caches you earn each week will provide Adventurer gear, which will upgrade to Veteran gear once Season 1 kicks off in September. These caches can be obtained from recurring activities such as Earthen Theater, Awakening The Machine, Worldsoul: Spreading the Light, Azj-Kahet Pacts, Special Assignment World Quests, and major weekly quests in Dornogal.
Additionally, the first four caches you earn each week will also grant you 100 Coffer Key Shards. Combine these shards to create a Restored Coffer Key, which you can use for Bountiful Delves. This feature will be available in the next build.
Cache contents are determined at the time you earn them, so it’s best to open them immediately. You don’t need to complete specific quests for Veteran gear; you can choose any two of six available activities to earn your gear and complete two more to maximize your Coffer Keys.
Thank you for reading our guide on quickly gearing up in The War Within. We hope you found the tips and information useful. Our goal is to enhance your in-game experience, recognizing that not everyone has ample time to dedicate to World of Warcraft.