Dragonflight Mythic+ Season 2 Dungeon Rotation
Today Blizzard announced the Mythic+ Dungeon Rotation for Dragonflight Season 2. In addition to the four remaining Dragonflight Dungeons, we'll be seeing the following added to the Mythic+ Pool next season
- Vortex Pinnacle, originally introduced in Cataclysm
- Neltharion's Lair, originally introduced in Legion
- Freehold, originally introduced in Battle for Azeroth
- Underrot, originally introduced in Battle for Azeroth
In addition to the four returning dungeons, the four remaining dungeons introduced in Dragonflight will be added:
- Brackenhide Hollow
- Neltharus
- Halls of Infusion
- Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr
In an interview from Dot Esports with Associate Game Director Morgan Day, we got some insight on why these dungeons were selected, as well as some updates on tuning in Mythic+:
Dungeon Choice Explained
Michael from Dot Esports: In terms of the dungeons that are selected from season to season, do you try to tie in those into what is happening into the Dragonflight story?
Delve into the intricacies of dungeon selection with our comprehensive guide, where we break down the factors to consider when making your choice. Explore the world of dungeons and make informed decisions with the help of our M+ Carry services.
Associate Game Director Morgan Day: Definitely not coincidence. There are four dungeons that are just the remaining Dragonflight Dungeons that were not in season 1 Mythic+: Neltharus, Uldaman, Halls of Infusion, Brackenhide. That's four of the dungeons and the other four are Underrot, Freehold, Neltharion's Lair and Vortex Pinnacle. In terms of how that pool is chosen, it's a smattering of ideas and philosophies there. Neltharion's Lair, like you pointed out, there's definitely not a coincidence; Embers of Neltharion, we have a dungeon from Legion called Neltharion's Lair, it also has Drogbar in it and they're making an appearance again in Zaralek Cavern, so that one felt like a slam dunk. Also, Vortex Pinnacle also feels like it has some story beats and implications to follow up on there, but there are also some that are fan-favorites. Like Freehold was one that we felt the playerbase... everytime those community threads pop up around "what dungeons do you want to see in Season 2", Freehold is mentioned in every one of those threads when they pop up, so being a fan-favorite had to be included. Underrot, interestingly, we look at the Mythic+ dungeon pool as a cohesive experience, the way we look at a raid as one cohesive experience and we want to make sure that we have coverage in terms of what kind of damage profiles are we asking you to do, what kind of utility are we asking you to use, and felt like Underrot has a lot of fun core WoW gameplay mechanics with interesting dispel profiles. So it really just helps out round out that seasonal package of what we had available for the players, trying to create the most varied experience possible while also looking for opportunies for story and narrative hits.
Brackenhide and Dungeon Difficulty
In response to a question from Jez at Windows Central, Morgan Day also mentioned they are taking feedback regarding Brackenhide Hollow and other Dragonflight dungeons seriously, and are planning to make some changes.
Associate Game Director Morgan Day: On top of that, trust us, we've heard the feedback around "hey when season 2 rolls around, if you've done Brackenhide on Mythic 0 the first week.. it was pretty hard!" So definitely taking a close look at individual dungeons, and probably cutting some things that are existing today in Mythic 0 and really asking "once affixes are in the mix, do you really need this pull to have 3 creatures that all need to have a kick rotation?" or something like that. Very very much we have been discussing that.