Final Fantasy XIV enthusiasts hold a special fondness for mounts and the Dawntrail expansion introduces an array of new ones for players to gather and display. For those keen on acquiring the Tyaitya Mount yet uncertain of the initial steps worry not for guidance is at hand.
This guide holds all one needs to conquer Tyaitya Mount in the world of Final Fantasy XIV. Start this adventure by following the key steps and soon one will be riding high on their new mount feeling triumphant.Keep your eyes peeled as we dive into every thrilling aspect and handy advice for a journey that's sure to stick in your memory.
On June 28th the newest addition to Final Fantasy XIV named Dawntrail made its debut packed with fresh features such as the thrilling introduction of the Ty'aitya Mount. With its design inspired by the adorable Sugar Glider this mount stands out as the inaugural one in the realm of FFXIV to be crafted in its likeness. For those who can't wait to include this cute animal in their set here is a step-by-step manual on securing the Ty'aitya Mount.
How To Get Tyaitya Mount in FFXIV

Within the realm of Final Fantasy XIV mounts are not just a means for traversing distances. They bear witness to the dedication of a player shining a light on their achievements and acting as a display for some of the game's most beautifully designed creatures. Mounts in the universe of Final Fantasy XIV do more than just help players move around. They are a mark of a player's achievements a symbol of their standing and serve as a platform to highlight the game's most meticulously created entities. Just as the Ty'aitya Mount draws people in with its sweet appearance that echoes a Sugar Glider it stands out as equally captivating. Within the realm of FFXIV the emergence of the Sugar Glider mount as a novel addition quickly transformed it into a coveted treasure that gamers pursue with zeal.
How to get step by step - the Ty'aitya Mount in FFXIV
Step 1: Complete Dawntrail FATEs
Starting the quest for the Ty'aitya Mount means you have to dive into and finish FATEs - which stands for Full Active Time Events - found within the realms of the Dawntrail expansion. Such events throw players into collaborative missions where working together is key to beating foes gathering collectibles or hitting certain goals.
Step 2: Gather Bicolor Gemstones
Once you finish these FATEs the prize will be Bicolor Gemstones. Introduced in the Dawntrail expansion the gemstones serve as money and are key to getting the Ty'aitya Mount.
Step 3: Exchange Gemstones for Vouchers
After gathering enough Bicolor Gemstones one must swap them for Bicolor Gemstone Vouchers. Such vouchers serve as currency for buying different items like the Ty'aitya Mount.
Step 4: Purchase the Ty'aitya Mount
Once you've gathered a sufficient number of Bicolor Gemstone Vouchers make your way toward the specific seller located in one of the areas expanded by Dawntrail. At this spot you have the opportunity to trade your vouchers for the much-coveted Ty'aitya Mount. Before you set off on your journey to ride the Sugar Glider make certain you've collected all the vouchers you need because this is the last thing you must do.
Tips for Efficiently Collecting Bicolor Gemstones
Join a Party: When you team up with others FATEs become easier to handle and you can finish them quicker. By becoming part of a group you boost how well you do things and collect Bicolor Gemstones at a faster pace.
Track FATEs: To stay updated with active FATEs one should frequently check the in-game map. It's wise to focus on those promising more gemstone rewards or nearing their end.
Coordinate with Friends: Team up with your buddies - joining forces with friends or your free company crew can make your game journey more fun and give you extra backup when you're tackling tough FATEs.
Final Thoughts
In the world of Final Fantasy XIV the introduction of Ty'aitya Mount has been a charming boost to the already stellar lineup of mounts. Following its debut in the Dawntrail expansion enthusiasts of the game can now parade around Eorzea on a cute Sugar Glider adding a distinct touch to their journey through the game's colorful terrains. Stick to the guide and gather Bicolor Gemstones like a pro soon you'll be taking the reins of your Ty'aitya Mount feeling the excitement of the ride. Happy adventuring!
Keep an eye on the Simple Carry blog for extra tips and comprehensive guides about FFXIV.