This comprehensive guide is designed to thoroughly prepare players for the "Everkeep (Extreme)" trial. It offers detailed explanations of each mechanic encountered during the fight, along with consistent, effective strategies to help players master the encounter and optimize their farming runs. By following this guide, players will gain the knowledge and tactics needed to tackle Everkeep (Extreme) with confidence and efficiency. For those seeking additional support, check out our Dawntrail Extreme Trials Boost. This service provides expert assistance to help you conquer the most challenging trials with ease, ensuring you are fully prepared for the "Everkeep (Extreme)" trial and beyond. Our professional team will guide you through each mechanic and strategy, making your journey through Dawntrail's extreme trials smooth and efficient.
Mastering Everkeep Extreme in FFXIV

In his relentless quest to outshine his father, the Resilient Son veered off course, straying from friends, comrades, and loved ones. This misguided journey led him to a distorted throne, where Zoraal Ja, driven by hollow ambitions, consumed the souls of his own people. Was it the pride of a king that darkened his heart in those final moments, or was it the burden of his conscience? The wandering minstrel's sorrowful song weaves a tragic thread through the tale of the First Promise, each mournful note deepening the weight on your heart. As the melody lingers, memories of the encounter flood back, and visions of the harrowing battle replay vividly in your mind's eye.
Unlock Requirements for Everkeep Extreme in FFXIV
To unlock Everkeep (Extreme), players must reach level 100 and complete the main scenario quest "Dawntrail." Afterward, speak to the Wandering Minstrel in Tuliyollal. The trial requires a minimum item level of 690 to queue, although this requirement can be bypassed by entering with a full party. For players looking to expedite their journey, consider our Dawntrail Leveling Boost. This service will help you quickly reach level 100, enabling you to unlock and tackle Everkeep (Extreme) without delay. Our experienced team ensures a smooth and efficient leveling process, preparing you for the challenges that lie ahead in the Dawntrail main scenario.
Everkeep Extreme Trial FFXIV: Complete Encounter Guide
Zoraal Ja Extreme Video Resources
For those who prefer visual learning, check out Hope Productions' comprehensive video guide on the Zoraal Ja Extreme fight.
Optimized Raid Preparation Strategy
Start by pairing each DPS with a support partner, aligning tanks with melee DPS and healers with ranged DPS. Ensure every player is assigned to a designated square near their clock position. While there are sixteen squares for eight players, strict adherence is not necessary. This setup enhances coordination and efficiency during the raid.
Phase One: The Battle with Zoraal Ja
Players will initiate the encounter by battling Zoraal Ja in the standard arena. While the arena's wall doesn't instantly kill players, it inflicts a bleed debuff that causes light damage. After the ability "Dawn of an Age," the platform transforms into a central square platform surrounded by four identical platforms. Once this change occurs, players can fall off the edges. The main platform consists of sixteen squares, with certain AoEs targeting specific squares.
Zoraal Ja's Abilities
- Half Full: Zoraal Ja cleaves the half of the arena where his sword is glowing.
- Actualize: Deals moderate raid-wide magical damage.
- Multidirectional Divide: X-shaped line AoEs that erupt into large line AoEs.
- Backward Half: Cleaves the entire arena except for the back quadrant where his sword is not glowing.
- Forward Half: Cleaves the entire arena except for the front quadrant where his sword is glowing.
- Regicidal Rage: Two tethers appear on random players; tanks must take these tethers, which deal heavy AoE damage.
- Dawn of an Age: Causes massive raid-wide damage and changes the arena layout.
- Vollok: Summons swords on the surrounding platforms, each performing an AoE on its respective square.
- Sync: Connects the swords on the surrounding platforms to the main one with small blue lines. These swords replicate their pattern from the surrounding platforms on the main platform.
Greater Gateway: Spawns lines connecting the platforms. Swords create line AoEs that travel through these lines. There are three types:
- Red Fire Lines: Expand the sword AoE to cover three rows or columns instead of one.
- Green Wind Lines: Knockback players one row from where they hit.
- Blue Lines: No special interaction.
- Blade Warp: Summons swords that perform line AoEs on the surrounding platforms.
- Forged Track: Summoned swords travel down the platform, moving rows or columns upon interacting with a line from Greater Gateway.
- Chasm of Vollok: All players receive a yellow marker above their heads, dropping a sword AoE on their square after a short delay and inflicting a magic vulnerability debuff.
Prepare to navigate these mechanics carefully to succeed in the first phase of the Everkeep Extreme Trial against Zoraal Ja.
Zoraal Ja Phase One Strategy

Zoraal Ja starts the phase with Actualize, a raid-wide AoE. Afterward, he jumps to the center of the arena and casts Multidirectional Divide. Here’s how to navigate the mechanics:
- Actualize: Prepare for and mitigate the raid-wide damage.
- Multidirectional Divide: Dodge the initial line AoEs. Pay close attention to the lines on the ground and position yourself in a safe spot between them.
Half Mechanics:
- Backward Half: Move behind Zoraal Ja on the side where his sword is not glowing.
- Forward Half: Position yourself in front of Zoraal Ja on the side where his sword is glowing.
By following these strategies, you’ll be well-prepared to handle the initial phase of the battle with Zoraal Ja.

Zoraal Ja will repeat Multidirectional Divide, but this time, instead of a cleave, he will use Regicidal Rage. The party should stack behind the boss so the tanks can easily pick up the tethers. Mitigate the tethers and move to a safe spot to avoid the line AoEs, ensuring the tanks stay away from the party and each other. Finally, mitigate and heal through Dawn of an Age as the arena changes.
Zoraal Ja Phase One Strategy (continued)

Zoraal Ja will cast Vollok, summoning swords onto the arena, followed by Sync. Sync connects two of the surrounding platforms to the main one, so identify squares on both platforms that are not being hit by any swords. Next, he will cast Half Full, cleaving half the arena. Ensure you are on the safe side of the cleave and standing on a platform with no connected swords.
Zoraal Ja Phase One Strategy (continued)

Zoraal Ja will then cast Greater Gateway, Blade Warp, and Forged Track. Here's how to handle these mechanics:
- Greater Gateway: Two swords will be on platforms with blue lines, while one sword will be on platforms with red and green lines.
- Blade Warp: Identify the positions of the swords connected by blue lines and avoid those rows.
Forged Track: Determine if the remaining sword is connected through a red or green line:
- Red Line: The sword's AoE will expand to cover three rows or columns.
- Green Line: The sword's AoE will knock back players one row from where it hits.
By carefully observing and avoiding the affected areas, you can navigate these mechanics safely.
Zoraal Ja will cast Greater Gateway, Blade Warp, and Forged Track:
- Greater Gateway: Two swords will be on platforms with blue lines, and one sword each on platforms with red and green lines.
- Blade Warp: Identify the swords connected by blue lines and avoid those rows.
Forged Track: Determine the sword's path based on the color of the lines:
- Red Line: Expands the sword's AoE, leaving two safe spots on the platform.
- Green Line: Knocks players back from that line. Avoid the column and use knockback immunity if necessary.
Immediately after dodging the swords from the gateways, spread to your assigned square for Chasm of Vollok. Mitigate and heal through this mechanic, as Zoraal Ja will then cast Actualize, dealing raid-wide damage and returning the arena to its normal state.
Phase Two - Everkeep Extreme Trial: Zoraal Ja
In phase two, Zoraal Ja introduces new abilities that players must navigate.
Zoraal Ja's Abilities
- Projection of Triumph: Sixteen sword icons appear on the ground. Two rows of donut markers and prey markers will travel across the arena. When these rows reach the sword icons, they explode in a donut AoE and a circle AoE respectively.
- Projection of Turmoil: All players are afflicted with the Projection debuff. A row of stack markers will spawn in the north and travel south across the arena. When a player with the Projection debuff touches this line, they trigger a stack explosion that deals moderate magic damage and inflicts a magic vulnerability debuff.
- Bitter Whirlwind: An AoE magical tank buster that hits the main tank three times, inflicting a magic vulnerability debuff with each hit. The off-tank should swap in for the second hit, and the main tank should take the third. Alternatively, one tank can use invulnerability to absorb all three hits.
- Drum of Vollok: A two-player stack mechanic targeting DPS or supports. Players in the stack but not the target will be knocked up in the direction relative to the targeted player, dealing heavy magical damage.
- Aero III: Summons a tornado on both platforms that knocks players up to the other platform, inflicting a wind resistance down debuff.
- Duty's Edge: A multi-hit stack marker that deals massive magic damage and hits four times, with each hit increasing in damage.
- Burning Chains: Chains supports to DPS. To break the tether, the paired players must run away from each other.
By understanding and executing the appropriate responses to these abilities, players can successfully navigate through Phase Two of the Zoraal Ja encounter.
Everkeep Extreme Trial FFXIV - Zoraal Ja Phase Two Strategy

Phase Two introduces new mechanics and requires precise coordination. Here's a step-by-step strategy to navigate this phase:
Projection of Triumph:
- Two rows of donut markers and prey markers will travel across the arena. When they hit a sword icon, they will trigger their respective AoEs.
- Players must dodge these AoEs while staying mobile.
- After the second row of markers goes off once, Zoraal Ja will cast either Backward Half or Forward Half. Players need to avoid the marker AoE while positioning themselves for the cleave and then move into the safe zone of the cleave.
- Immediately dodge the next set of marker AoEs as Zoraal Ja begins casting Actualize. If many players were hit, it's crucial to mitigate this raid-wide damage to prevent further deaths.
Projection of Turmoil:
- Players need to clear their Projection debuffs one by one as the stack marker line moves across the arena.
- The party should stack north. One player will move into the moving line while the rest of the party stays nearby. After the first player's vulnerability debuff expires, the next player runs into the line, with the entire party moving south to avoid the line.
- After this, the tank will receive Bitter Whirlwind. Mitigate and either swap tanks or use invulnerability.
Alternative Strategy: The party can "cheese" this mechanic and the subsequent tank buster. Since the wall only inflicts a DoT, the party can move south when the line spawns and hit the boss without risk. When the line is about to reach the south end, everyone except the main tank moves into the wall and stays there. The main tank uses invulnerability to ensure the party is not hit by Bitter Whirlwind.
Dawn of an Age:
- Mitigate and heal through this ability as the arena changes to two separate platforms.
- Drum of Vollok will target DPS or supports. Players who are not targeted should position themselves to be knocked back to the new platform spawning either northwest or northeast.
Vollok, Sync, and Chasm of Vollok:
- Zoraal Ja will summon one large sword on each platform. These swords take up four squares each, leaving eight squares for players to stand on.
- Arrange melee players on the closest squares to Zoraal Ja and ranged players behind them. Ensure players on each platform are not standing on identical squares relative to the other platform.
Aero III and Half Mechanics:
- Aero III places a tornado on the back of the platform.
- Zoraal Ja then casts either Backward Half or Forward Half, striking the front row and the side he is slashing. Stand behind the safe line.
- Players on the opposite platform must step into the tornado to be knocked back to the correct platform.
- Stack up and mitigate Duty's Edge, a multi-hit stack marker.
Burning Chain:
- The role that did not use the tornado in the previous mechanic must use it now to move to the opposite platform.
- All players need to spread out slightly to break the tethers.
- Return to the middle, heal up, and prepare for Actualize, which returns players to the normal platform.
By carefully following these strategies and maintaining clear communication, players can successfully navigate Phase Two of the Zoraal Ja encounter.
Phase Three: Zoraal Ja
In the final phase, Zoraal Ja repeats many mechanics with new twists.
Zoraal Ja's Abilities
- Half Circuit: Zoraal Ja performs Half Full with additional blades. If the blades spawn inside his hitbox, they create a point-blank AoE. If they spawn outside, they generate a donut AoE.
Zoraal Ja Phase Three Strategy
Projection of Triumph:
- Players must deal with Half Circuit in the middle of the arena.
- Dodge the third explosion, move to the safe spot for the cleave, then dodge the fourth explosion.
- After the markers resolve, Zoraal Ja will cast Regicidal Rage. Tanks need to pick up the tethers, move away from the party and each other, and mitigate the damage.
Projection of Turmoil:
- Zoraal Ja casts Half Full three times during this mechanic: twice in the middle and once at the very south of the arena.
- Players must dodge the swords while managing the Projection debuff stacks.
- If cheesing this mechanic, ensure to dodge the half-room cleaves while avoiding the line.
- Follow this with Bitter Whirlwind, either swapping tanks or using invulnerability.
Dawn of an Age:
- Zoraal Ja casts Dawn of an Age again, changing the arena back to phase one's layout.
- He then casts Vollok and Sync similar to phase one, followed by Chasm of Vollok.
- Dodge the swords and move to your assigned square.
- Mitigate the damage from Duty's Edge.
- Handle the Greater Gateway, Blade Warp, and Forged Track combination along with Vollok as before.
Final Sequence:
- The arena returns to normal with Actualize.
- Zoraal Ja performs a final Multidirectional Divide into a Backward Half or Forward Half combo.
- After this, the boss will begin to enrage, casting Actualize to wipe the party.
Defeat Zoraal Ja before his enrage timer to complete the trial successfully.
Reward from Everkeep Extreme Trial FFXIV
Upon defeating Zoraal Ja, the treasure coffer will contain four random Resilient accessories. Additionally, there is a chance for Resilient Armor and a Faded Copy of Seeking Purpose to appear. There is also a rare chance for the mount, Wings of Resolve, to be included.
Furthermore, all party members will receive one Resilient Totem, which can be exchanged for any Resilient accessory after collecting five of them.
The Everkeep Extreme Trial in FFXIV is a challenging and rewarding experience, demanding precise coordination and strategy to conquer Zoraal Ja. This guide provides comprehensive strategies for each phase, ensuring you are well-prepared to face every mechanic and emerge victorious.
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